Friday 10 August 2018

Do You Look Like A Powertexer?

So what exactly does a Powertexer look like? How can I best describe a group of Powertexers?

Can you spot a fellow Powertexer out in the wild? I’m not showing off when I say “I can!”, though I’m not sure this could be listed as a separate skill on my CV……

Does it say more about me or the guests when I tell you that I was able to guess who was a Powertex Garden Party Guest, just by looking at them! Most of the guests attending the Garden Party stayed overnight at a nearby hotel. I went to the hotel to meet everyone there and ensure they made it on to the coach on time. Even though I had never met or seen any of the guests before, I was confident I could spot a ‘Powertexer’ a mile off. And I was correct! I had wanted a to wear a crown or a tiara or at least a golden sash with POWERTEX GARDEN PARTY embossed on it so people would know who I was when approaching them in the hotel grounds but alas, I only had these thoughts on the way to the hotel so it was too late and I would have to rely on intuition.

Well, I say intuition but in reality it is a trained eye. I can spot a Powertexer at 50 paces. Maybe it is a certain glint in their eye, a splodge of Powertex on their shoes, nails that can’t quite be polished to perfection because they’ve been dipped in Powertex for too long. I’m not sure exactly, it could be a combination of all those things. Powertexers come in all shapes and sizes and ages. They blow the traditional crafter stereotype out the window because we sure as hell can’t be squashed into many conformity boxes, I think we are somewhat notorious in the arts and crafts world for being non-conformists! Powertexers are fun, they’re friendly, they give off a certain vibe, they do not ‘fit the mould’ in any conventional sense.

Maybe it’s because with Powertex, there are no limits and this reaches into other areas of your life too. I like to think there’s lots of us out there, giving a nod to fellow Powertexers, enjoying this amazing art and craft skill set whilst sharing and spreading the joy because quite simply, it is so much fun!

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